uVida Activity: How does this analysis work?

uVida Activity: How does this analysis work?

The uVida Activity analysis takes place on the treadmill or cycle ergometer. The uVida partner guides you through a step protocol, which means you start at a certain intensity and it is increased every 3 minutes until you say that you are “full capacity”. During this test, your breathing is measured and analyzed.

What happens after the step test? How are my individual training areas and performance indicators determined?

During sporting activity, our body consumes energy. The body can provide this energy by metabolizing various substrates such as carbohydrates and fats. Various gases (oxygen = O2 and carbon dioxide = CO2) are involved in the biochemical processes that take place here. Depending on the metabolic situation, these gases are present in different ratios. During low-intensity exercise, the proportion of fat metabolism is higher, whereas during intensive exercise, the proportion of carbohydrate metabolism is higher.

In a uVida Activity Analysis, the metabolism of an organism is analyzed using respiratory gases (spirometry). The volumes of O2 and CO2 in the inhaled and exhaled air are measured. The exact metabolic situation can then be measured using the consumption of O2 in relation to the CO2 produced at the same time. These values show when your body is working in which metabolic situation and provide information about your individual training areas, load and performance indicators, such as the maximum performance parameters VO2max and maximum performance.