uVida new account registration

uVida new account registration

Step 1: Install the uVida app
  1. AppStore: uVida App
  2. Google PlayStore: uVida App

Step 2: Register in the uVida app
  1. Open the uVida app
  2. Click on Register | Let's go
  3. Enter your email address and click on the arrow at the bottom right to complete

Important: If you are registering for the first time and do not yet have a uVida account, do not click on the green "Login" button. This is for the login of already registered customers.
  1. Set a personalized password 
  2. Go through the uVida onboarding process question by question
  3. Accept the terms of use
  4. Registration in the app is then complete

Step 3: Confirm your email address
  1. Open your email inbox
  2. You have received an email from uVida after the registration process - open this email
  3. Confirm your email using the link in the confirmation email

Step 4: Login to the uVida app
  1. Open the uVida app
  2. Select the Login button
  3. Log in with your access data (email address and password)