What does the test person have to consider before/when performing a Food or Activity analysis? (Test standardizations)

What does the test person have to consider before/when performing a Food or Activity analysis? (Test standardizations)

Test standardization uVida Food

  1. At least 2 hours food abstinence before each measurement
  2. Drink only water at least 2 hours before the measurement
  3. No training on the day of the analysis
  4. No intensive training on the day before the analysis
  5. Avoid excitement and stress (tip: schedule customers 15 minutes in advance and allow them to relax before the measurement)
Customers must receive the test standardization information before each analysis.

Test standardization uVida Activity

  1. At least 2 hours food abstinence before each measurement
  2. Drink only water at least 2 hours before the measurement
  3. No training on the day of the analysis
  4. No intensive training on the day before the analysis
Customers must receive the test standardization information before each analysis.

Further standardization for ergometers
  1. Pedaling frequency/revolutions per minute: As constant a value as possible between 70-90 
  2. Test in a seated position, no riding out-of saddle!

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