What is meant by VO2max? How do I interpret this value?

What is meant by VO2max? How do I interpret this value?

Explanation of VO2max

VO2max describes the maximum oxygen uptake capacity.
Put simply, VO2max describes the size - the maximum horsepower - of the human endurance engine.
VO2max is an indicator for assessing physical condition. The higher this value is, the better the physical condition can be assessed.

Explained in more detail:
VO2max represents the performance of the organism's oxygen-absorbing, oxygen-transporting and oxygen-utilizing subsystems. The more blood is transported by the heart per minute and flows through the circulatory system, the more O2 is absorbed from the air we breathe into the blood by means of gas exchange and transported to the working muscles. The maximum oxygen uptake capacity therefore reflects a person's cardiorespiratory performance. It is therefore an important parameter for assessing aerobic endurance performance potential.