High carbohydrate content as a result of the Food analysis - what is the correct interpretation here?

High carbohydrate content as a result of the Food analysis - what is the correct interpretation here?

The measurement result is due to a high respiratory quotient at rest. At this point, we are talking about an extreme dominance of carbohydrate metabolism

A possible reason could also be that the test standards were not adhered to:
  1. Did the customer eat anything within the last 2 hours before the measurement?
  2. Did the customer exercise intensively within 12 hours before the analysis?
  3. ​Was the customer stressed?

If the customer has adhered to all of the points, then the measurement seems plausible and the carbohydrate metabolism is extremely dominant.

There can be many reasons for this situation (among others):
  1. High KH content in the diet, especially high sugar content.
  2. Little exercise in terms of aerobic endurance training (fat metabolism training).
  3. Excessively intensive training (overemphasis on anaerobic metabolism).
  4. Stress: Stress hormones cause a rapid supply of energy through fat breakdown - but above all the release and biosynthesis of glucose.